Scientific direction:
- ehem. Univ. Prof. Dr. Larisa Schippel
organizing team:
- Stefanie Kremmel, MA
- Dr. Tomasz Rozmyslowicz (Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz)
- Dr. Julia Richter
- Mag. Karlheinz Spitzl, BA
- Ariadne Sevgi Avkıran, MA
How come?
We, the organizers of the Vienna summer school on translation history, are all at very different stages in our academic careers. But there was one thing, we were all missing: a forum in which we could share our thoughts on translation history, discuss the challenges we face not only in our methodological choice and theoretical thoughts, but also in our hands-on research. We wanted to know how other (young) researchers approached their research and bring together translation historians from different disciplines and regions in order to learn from each other and support each other in our research endeavors.
Three years in...
After the success of the first international summer school on Translation History in 2017 with twenty participants from ten countries, which focused on various theoretical and methodological aspects of historiographical research in Translation Studies each year. (See Previous Editions to learn more.)
The summer school is certified by the international office of the University of Vienna and is proud to say that over 40 young translation scholars are now alumni of the univie:summer school on translation history.
We (also) proudly present...
Chronotopos - a Journal of Translation History is another project of our's. Check out the website, follow us on Twitter or like us on Facebook.