1-8th September 2021

online event


No doubt: Translation history is gaining more and more academic momentum and attracting increasing attention from an ever growing interdisciplinary community of scholars. This why we are glad and proud to announce the fourth summer school on translation and interpreting history at the Centre for Translation Studies in Vienna. We are inviting researchers from all disciplines interested in the connection between translation and history to participate.

Just like in the first three years (2017, 2018, and 2019), we have invited renowned scholars to share their expertise on doing translation and interpreting history. In 2021, young researchers will be provided with basic knowledge about various perspectives on and approaches to translation and interpreting history and with hands-on experience, such as analysing historical documents and researching in archives. Moreover, the participants will have the opportunity for one-on-one tutorials with our guest lecturers as well as for presenting and discussing their own research projects.

What are you waiting for? Join the summer school!


Guest lecturers:

  • Theo Hermans (University College London)
  • Christopher Rundle (University of Bologna)
  • Michele Troy (University of Hartford, Conneticut)
  • Judy Wakabayashi (Kent State University)
  • Herbert van Uffelen (University of Vienna, DLBT)


How to participate: The application process is closed.

Participants from all countries and different disciplines are welcome to the summer school. They should have a demonstrable interest in translation (or interpreting) historical issues and the contents of the summer school.

Since the summer school could not take place in 2020 due to the measures against Covid19, confirmed participants from 2020 have a guaranteed spot for the 2021 edition. Remaining spots will be offered to other interested researchers and students. Application for the remaining open spots will open mid July. There are no more open spots. Check Application & Costs for more details.



  • Larisa Schippel (scientific direction)
  • Julia Richter
  • Stefanie Kremmel
  • Tomasz Rozmyslowicz
  • Ariadne Avkiran



All participants that have fulfilled the required tasks will receive an official certificate of the University of Vienna stating the successful completion of a course with the workload of 8 ECTS.



Some classes will be held in English and some in German. We will provide you with simultaneous interpretation into English whenever German is used.